_creative marketing and direction

_out of respect for previous employers, creative marketing strategies, campaigns and creative & art direction done and created in the past will not be shared. let's just say that 100+ creative campaigns, content shoots, marketing strategies have already been executed and creatively supervised and elaborated. brands / companies that want to start (from scratch), can count on creative marketing input, both strategic and visual. from name to tagline, to actual content, tone of voice & look and feel, identities, branding and marketing. for start-ups and all companies or brands, from corporate to employer branding.

_creative marketing and direction

_out of respect for previous employers, creative marketing strategies, campaigns and creative & art direction done and created in the past will not be shared. let's just say that 100+ creative campaigns, content shoots, marketing strategies have already been executed and creatively supervised and elaborated. brands / companies that want to start (from scratch), can count on creative marketing input, both strategic and visual. from name to tagline, to actual content, tone of voice & look and feel, identities, branding and marketing. for start-ups and all companies or brands, from corporate to employer branding.

_creative marketing and direction

_out of respect for previous employers, creative marketing strategies, campaigns and creative & art direction done and created in the past will not be shared. let's just say that 100+ creative campaigns, content shoots, marketing strategies have already been executed and creatively supervised and elaborated. brands / companies that want to start (from scratch), can count on creative marketing input, both strategic and visual. from name to tagline, to actual content, tone of voice & look and feel, identities, branding and marketing. for start-ups and all companies or brands, from corporate to employer branding.